
Worldwide, there are still many societies,

communities and tribes

that live in harmony with nature

fully integrated into the cycle of life.

They are not contributing

to climate change,

but will undoubtedly suffer

from its consequences.

Legend has it that the

Maasai originated to Earth

by sliding down a rope linked from heaven.

This game is known by many different

names across the continent,

although the board and rules

vary slightly from West to East Africa,

it is very common and widespread.

I am from the West.

my opponent is from the East.

We do not speak the same language.

But while playing,

we can understand each other.

To avoid feeding my pawns to my opponent,

I use this strategy

called the marching group.

I am moving forward,

but the distribution of the stones

doesn’t change.

Another evidence of the recursive nature

that underlines our cultures,

we might not be aware of it,

but the mathematical principles

we grew up with are very similar.

Despite the

fact that we come from opposite

sides of the continent,

so does the respect and care

for our environment.

Where we often fail is when we call

people primitive, either because they

want to stick to their traditions

or because they refuse to adopt

western standards.

In my humble opinion,

we have more to learn from people

who live close to nature and navigate

inside the cycle of life

than they have to learn from us.

Especially in this age

of the Anthropocene,

where it is very obvious

that our way of life is not the way to go.

During my own lifetime, oceans

have been dying out at alarming rates,

even if we cannot see it.

The sheer quantity and variety of species

is so impressive and intimidating.

Who are we

to consider ourselves

superior to all of this?

There! There’s one on the left.

I’m going in.

If we don’t get our destructive

human behaviour under control,

everything indicates

that we are the last generation

that will experience

such variety in marine life.

As civilised and advanced

as we call ourselves,

we certainly don’t behave as such.

The decisions

and actions of human beings

down to the individual level

have become the greatest threat

to humanity.

Africa represents

approximately 18%

of the world’s population,

but we only account for less than 5%

of all greenhouse gas emissions.

This number is rising fast.

Yes, we are not as developed

as other regions.

But what is easier developing

Africa sustainably

or changing the rest of the world,

the regions where development

happened unsustainably?